Love makes you a king/queen

本文摘要:[一个门徒谈及自己的女朋友:她是个女王。她让我实在自己是个国王,我实在自己理所当然。 ]奥修(OSHO):That's a goo.... Everybody is a king an is a queen, because every human being is so valuable.那是一个很好的决定。每个人都是国王,每个人都是女王,因为每个人都是如此贵重。



]奥修(OSHO):That's a goo.... Everybody is a king an is a queen, because every human being is so valuable.那是一个很好的决定。每个人都是国王,每个人都是女王,因为每个人都是如此贵重。

It is not a question of -- one is born a queen or a king -- but the society creates the idea that first you have to ... a wrong notion.问题不在于配上理所当然——人生来就是女王或国王——但社会生产出有一个点子,首先你必需配得上才讫……这是一个错误的点子。The society creates the idea that you have first to become worthy; then you can be -- that's absolutely nonsense.Worthy or non-worthy, that is not the point at all. One is born a king, one is born a queen.社会生产出有一个点子,你得再行配得上,然后你才能当——那几乎是胡扯。配上理所当然,那显然不是重点所在。

人生来就是国王,人生来就是女王。That is our nature. You cannot do anything to upon it and you cannot do anything to yourself. That's how, in love, one starts feeling very high. Because love accepts you as you are with no con, with no strings attached, that's why love is such a fulf. You need not it; it comes as a gift.那是我们的天性。


因为爱人无条件的如你所是的采纳你,没任何附加条件,那就是为什么爱人如此令人符合。你不必须配得上,它是个礼物。And I am not saying to become arrogant about it. I am not saying to start feeling, 'Yes, I am the king.' And I am not saying to start creating a kind of humility -- that you don't it. Both are ego stan -- arrogance an.我不是说道要因此显得刻薄固执。


When she makes you feel like a king, remember that every belove every lover feel like a king. This is nothing personal! In every love affair that happens.当她让你实在像个国王,忘记,每一个爱人都会让其爱人实在像个国王。这不是什么私人恩怨,它再次发生在每一段爱情里。It has to happen, otherwise the affair is not there. If the woman cannot make you feel like a king she has not loved you, and if you cannot make her feel like a queen, you have not loved her.它必需再次发生,否则就没爱情了。如果女人无法让你实在像个国王,她就不爱人你,如果你无法让她实在像女王,你也不爱人她。

It is love that creates the king and the queen. Wherever love happens su you have value, value -- no question of .是爱人建构出有国王和女王。每当爱人再次发生,忽然你有了极大的价值,固有的价值——没配上理所当然的问题。And in fact, if you go deep into it, it is not that she is making you a king or you are making her a queen; it is love that is making you both kings an.事实上,如果你了解其中,不是她让你出了国王,或你让她出了女王,是爱人把你们变为了国王和女王。Otherwise some day, she can take it away. If it is she who is making you a king, then sooner or later you will start feeling because you will start feeling afraid. W her you will not be a king an you she will not be a queen.否则有一天,她可以撤消。

如果是她让你变为了国王,那么恐怕你不会开始倚赖她,因为你不会开始惧怕。没她,你就仍然是国王了,没你,她就仍然是女王了。It can become a very great strategy to man each other. W you she will be an or woman; w her you will be an or man. And who wants to be an or man once you have known that you are a king? But your k will on her.... She has the veto power. She can go against it, she can vote against it.它可以沦为一个操纵彼此的极好策略。


她可以赞成,她可以投票驳回。o remember always: it is not she and it is not you. It is something greater than both of you -- it is love! It is the love climate.所以一直忘记:不是她,也不是你。是某些比你们最出色的东西——是爱人!是爱人的氛围。

It is as when the spring comes an start blooming and the birds start s an is joy on the earth. It is love, the spring, the climate of love that su makes you and her start feeling.... It is the god of love that speaks through you an through her.就像春天来了,树木开始绽放,鸟儿开始歌唱,大地一片有缘。是爱人,爱人的春天,爱人的氛围,忽然让你跟她实在……是爱神在利用你说出,利用她说出。

ut never for a single moment think that she is making you a king. Otherwise soon you will start being afraid of her. She can take it back; then where are you?…但总有一天不要指出她把你变为了国王。否则你迅速就不会开始害怕她。


她能交还去,然后你怎么办?Mm, that has to be un, otherwise soon fear comes in every relat; fear is l just by the side of love. And the reason is that love makes you feel so good that naturally a fear comes. Is it possible to be in such a goo forever ? Will it be tomorrow also ? Will you be able to feel so happy an on tomorrow too?嗯,那一点必需明白,否则不安迅速就不会转入每一段关系,不安游走在爱人的旁边。原因在于,爱人让你实在十分棒,很大自然的不安来了。有可能总有一天都处在这么好的状态吗?明天也不会这样吗?明天你也能这么快乐快乐吗?The fear comes because love gives you a peak, and the higher you go on the peak, the the valley looks. Love gives you a light and the looks more dark than ever, in contrast. And fear arises: if this light is gone, then? Then people start cl to each other.不安来了,因为爱给了你高峰,你高峰爬到的越高,山谷看上去就更深。爱给了你光,与以往比起,黑暗看上去更加黑暗了。

不安经常出现了:如果这道光没有了,不会怎么样?于是人们开始执著于彼此不敲。You will not like her to go and she will not like you to go. And soon things are dull and dead -- and you have killed them. Because there are a few things which cannot be caught; love is one of those few things. You cannot hold it in your fist; it dies.你想她离开了,她也想你离开了。迅速事情显得死气沉沉——你早已助长了它们。


An of the fear one starts holding love. One becomes fr; one may lose the woman, one may lose the man... then? Then you will be again in your or rut, and one doesn't want to go back to that slum, that , that cloudy state. One has seen the palace, one has lived in the palace. It is very ….因为不安,人开始捉着爱人抓。他显得惊慌,他可能会丧失这个女人,她可能会丧失这儿男人……然后呢?然后你不会返回你那普通的状态,人想返回那个贫民窟,那个黑暗,那个乌云密布的状态。人看到了宫殿,他曾住在那个宫殿里。


这十分艰难……o or the mind and the logic says to grab hold of the woman, grab hold of the man. Make every possible effort so that he cannot escape. Make him unfree; make him more and more .所以一般来说头脑跟逻辑不会说道,逃跑这个女人,攥凸这个女人。尽一切希望别让他跑完了。

拘禁他,让他更加倚赖你。ut then you have killed love; then already love is a memory. Then you are stuck together; you are no more friends -- you have become enemies.但这样的话你就把爱杀掉了,这样的话爱人已是回想。你们卡在一起了,你们仍然是朋友,你们出了敌人。Remember, it is love -- not she, not he; it is love. Whenever there is love you will be a king. And then you are free -- because it is a question of love; it does not on her.忘记,是爱人——不是她,也不是你,是爱人。


Whenever there is love you will be a king; whenever there is not love you will be a beggar. It is love that gives you the glory. Yes, the love has come through her window; it can come through any other window. It can simply shower on you w anybody. It simply needs un -- that it is love, not the person. The person is .每当有爱人,你就不会是国王,每当无爱,你就是个乞丐。是爱人给了你光辉。是的,爱人利用她的窗照到你身上,它能利用任何窗。

没有人它也可以必要满布在你身上。你只必须明白,是爱人,不是对方。对方只是一部乐器。Then you are not the person. Love cannot be an is no need to it.那么你就会拘禁对方。

爱人无法被拘禁,也不必须拘禁爱人。Love is your song -- you can sing it any time. It is like breathing. Nobody is going to take it away from you; nobody can take it away from you.爱人是你的歌——任何时候你都可以演唱它。它就像排便。没有人不会偷走你的排便,没有人能偷走你的排便。

o drop that idea from the very beg. I saw your letter and you ha in it that she is a jewish tantra queen. that [man] will get into trouble! Queens an can be a great trip because kings are always captives of queens an are captives of kings!所以从一开始就拿起那个点子。我看见了你的信,你说道她是一个犹太坦陀罗女王。

我想要这家伙不会陷于困难!女王跟国王能是一个十分危险性的游戏,因为国王总是女王的囚徒,女王总是国王的囚徒!Don't become a captive, and don't make her a captive! Let love flow -- let love flow in freedom. Give it as much space as possible. Give it all that you can, and don't be worried -- because it is something in you; it is your fragrance. Good good!不要沦为囚徒,不要把她变为囚徒!让爱人流动,让爱自由的流动。给与尽量多的空间。给与你能给与的一切,别担心——因为它是你内在的某些东西,它是你的芬芳。




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